Thursday, August 28, 2014


Yes, and it still is mysteriously hidden from us. Where is that "transparency" that we were all dreaming of and that our leadership had promised to adopt? Where is that "OPENNESS" that has been recommended by all the local and the foreign experts in that domain?
Instead, our Energy Ministers Gebran Bassil and now Arthur Nazarian are vying with each other to keep the cloud of secrecy over this all important subject.
Oil and Gas, gentlemen, are not your personal turf, nor is it the turf of your fellow politicians only. Oil and gas belong to the PEOPLE OF LEBANON, to the five million citizens who live in this country.
It is high time that you GENUINELY explain the whole story to us. Tell us the truth. Is it only our role to pay up, at the end of every year, some five to seven billions of dollars in budgetary losses, without explanations and protests?
Should we not hold you, and your other colleagues in the Ministry responsible and accountable for every cent lost and unexplained?
We insist that you hold a press conference, as soon as possible, and clearly explain about this entire OIL and GAS drama? Why things have not moved in that domain during the past four years?
We are the laughing stock of the international community, and you know it perfectly well.
 Israel and Cyprus are miles ahead of us in that field. The Cypriots, whom we were disdaining in the past, have proven to be our masters in terms of transparency and governance.

Shame on you, for keeping us in the dark so long.  This matter is not simply vital for our economy, but it may be our last chance to keep the country together and avoid bankruptcy.
SPEAK TO US. Tell us what is going wrong and who is holding that sector hostage? ENOUGH SECRECY!

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